In perhaps one of the more bizarre statements to emanate from the White House as of late, Dr. Ashish Jha, who serves as the White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, declared that God effectively created human beings with two arms in order to receive two different vaccines.
And, while readers may be forgiven for believing the above to be a joke, it sadly is not. The Biden White House has actually stooped to linking God to receiving vaccines.
As reported by the Daily Mail, Dr. Jha began his absurd statement by drumming up fresh fears for fall viruses, in spite of the fact that Labor Day literally just passed.
“As the annual flu vaccination campaign kicks into high gear later this month and into early October, we expect millions will choose to get their COVID-19 shot at the same time, or over the course of the fall when people go in for routine checkups,” Dr. Jha declared, clearly eager to see hundreds of millions of Americans subject themselves to rather questionable jabs at this point.
After all, how many vaccines does one really need against what is effectively the common cold at this point?
However, Dr. Jha talks as though every American is just dying to get the jab, which is especially evident when he enthusiastically describes getting two shots at the same time.
“The good news is you can get both your flu shot and COVID shot at the same time. It’s actually a good idea,” Dr. Jha boomed excitedly.
Oh, wow, what an opportunity! Why not receive one shot when two can be received at once, making the Big Pharma bros clearly aligned with Biden more pleased than ever!
As disturbing as Jha’s commentary regarding how wonderful multiple vaccines at least one a year can come across, perhaps the most disturbing element of his entire speech was when he decided to drag God into the equation.
“I really believe this is why God gave us two arms – one for the flu shot and the other one for the COVID shot,” Dr. Jha said solemnly.
Wow. Just wow.
So, in other words, despite the fact that vaccines are a remarkably new invention in the span of human history, the White House COVID coordinator apparently believes that the main purpose of human beings having two arms is to receive two vaccines at once.
That’s a rather interesting take. Not to mention a quite blasphemous one, depending on one’s interpretation.
Needless to say, Jha’s thoughtless remark provided one of many field days for conservatives in terms of humor.
Philip Holloway, a columnist at Townhall, tweeted, “Jha thinks God gave us arms for the purpose of getting shots. The lack of self-awareness by TheExperts is off the charts crazy. Of course, if Covid is your religion, this makes sense.”
Well, of course COVID is like a “religion” for the left.
What else could explain a solitary passenger driving an electric or hybrid vehicle while wearing an N-95 mask (or two) driving down California freeways?
What else could justify an effective mail-in election, wherein Biden (surprise!) wins by a staggering 81 million votes?
Frankly, COVID has been an absolute gift to the Democrats in terms of letting them freely pass ultra-restrictive lockdowns and otherwise disregard the rights, liberties, and freedoms that have long made the United States an exceptional nation.
Which is probably why Holloway has quite the point.
Along with journalist Allison Royal, who gave Jha quite the royal rebuke when she pointed out how he shamelessly co-opted, and misused, the real quote.
“False. God did not intend for us to be Big Pharma guinea pigs,” Royal said coolly.
“Also, way to hijack the beautiful quote, ‘God gave us two ears and one month so we can listen twice as much as we speak,’” she added pointedly.
Not that someone like Dr. Fauci will get the point, as he appears far too inclined to agree with Jha.
“It is becoming increasingly clear that looking forward with the COVID-19 pandemic, in the absence of a dramatically different variant, we likely are moving towards a path with a vaccination cadence similar to that of the annual influenza vaccine, with annual updated COVID-19 shots matched to the currently circulating strains for most of the population,” Fauci brayed.
But of course … never-ending drama for Fauci.
Then again, how else will Fauci justify becoming a multi-millionaire during a pandemic?
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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