You know things have gotten bad for the super-woke crowd when even The Guardian proclaims that Obama is “over.”
In a rather humorously titled article – “The Long Obama Era is Over” – The Guardian detailed all the various ways in which Obama simply does not have the influence he thinks he has anymore.
And while the author of The Guardian article is clearly no fan of Trump, he’s apparently even less of a fan of Obama’s seeming self-importance and his prior strategies, which, by default, have made Trump more appealing to the Democrats’ previous “base.”
“The Democrats must learn to speak to voters who don’t believe in the politics of old and aren’t interested in returning to it … It’s obvious that Trump retained his appeal among Republicans and voters with deeply reactionary views, but it should also be plain now, given the gains he’s made, including among non-white voters, that he’s become a more broadly compelling figure,” Nwanevu writes.
Excellent point.
On top of that, the author of the article – Osita Nwanevu – is Black, which means Obama can’t whine about “racism,” otherwise known as his go-to bogeyman, which no longer serves as a poor veneer for his utter incompetence, coupled with a predilection for corruption.
Truly, he has no one to blame but himself, especially as his careless (albeit scripted) words over the past several years have come back to bite him, big time.
Let’s start with all of five years ago, when Obama attempted to lecture the left on not forming a “circular firing squad” with their rather militant ideology.
As previously reported by CNN, the far-left faction of the Dems – of which Comrade Kamala was undoubtedly a fervent member – perfectly aligned with the former president’s warnings on “a circular firing squad … may not persuade 2020 Democrats.”
Indeed, at an Obama Foundation event in Berlin in 2019, Obama lectured the liberals on reaching a greater agreement amongst themselves … if only so they could take back power, once again.
“Among progressives in the United States … is a certain kind of rigidity where we say, ‘Uh, I’m sorry, this is how it’s going to be,” Obama declared.
Given that none other than Pelosi herself informed Biden, “this is how it’s going to be.”
Only to hand over the nomination to the least qualified candidate in history.
“[You] have to take into account people who don’t agree with you,” Obama added.
You think?
Though the upside is the circular firing squad certainly continued well into 2024, given that the Dems allowed themselves to be utterly hijacked by anti-American, pro-terrorist ideologies, with an ironically simultaneous devotion to pro-criminal, pro-transgender militant policies.
Even more ironically, Obama escalated the “circular firing squad” five years later, chiefly when he was asinine enough to lecture Black American men on voting for Comrade Kamala.
“My understanding, based on reports I’m getting from campaigns and communities, is that we have not yet seen the same kinds of energy and turnout in all quarters of our neighborhoods and communities as we saw when I was running,” Obama declared to a crowd of increasingly angry individuals.
In his increasingly tone deaf fashion, Obama then made his point especially clear when he insanely declared that the absence of enthusiasm for Harris “seems to be more pronounced with the brothers.”
“And you are thinking about sitting out? Part of it makes me think – and I’m speaking to men directly – part of it makes me think that, well, you just aren’t feeling the idea of having a woman as president, and you’re coming up with other alternatives and other reasons for that,” Obama sneered.
Well then. Talk about ironic participation in the very same “circular firing squad” that he warned against mere years ago.
And it seems more than one Black American voter was rather peeved, given the degree to which multiple Black voters, including in deep blue counties, voted for Trump.
Even more hilariously, Obama has been so long ensconced amongst the ultra-elites that he still appears utterly ignorant to the damage he caused to Comrade Kamala’s campaign.
“It doesn’t make sense,” a dumbfounded Obama reportedly remarked.
It doesn’t? Seriously? Is he truly that ignorant … or arrogant? Or both?
One thing is for certain: Thank goodness that Obama was the first, and hopefully the last, DEI candidate.
Author: Jane Jones

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