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Trump Scores A New Triumph Against Harris In An Unexpected Meeting

“The fact that we’re even together today is a very good sign.”

Indeed, it is.

So spoke top presidential candidate Donald Trump with regards to a surprise meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskky.

A meeting that likely has Comrade Kamala quite enraged.

After all, Zelenskyy met with Trump one day after he met with Ms. Kamala.

Speaks volumes about the degree to which the world is expecting a potential Trump landslide.

One that the world will likely desire, outside of the terrorist regimes that Harris supports, that is.

According to a recent report from Newsmax, Trump and Zelenskyy held a recent meeting at Trump Tower in New York, a grand total one day after Kamala Harris met with Zelenskyy and expressed ostensibly steadfast support.

Harris, as usual, spread her typical disinformation, knowing that the mainstream media will never fact check her as aggressively as they fact check Trump … assuming they ever fact check her, actually.

Which is why hapless Harris brayed that Trump is suggesting “proposals for surrender” rather than “proposals for peace.”

Needless to say, other sources have a rather different take than Comrade Kamala, including Fox News, which cites Trump’s call for a “fair deal” in terms of ending the seemingly endless Russia-Ukraine war.

Naturally, even if Harris’s claim regarding Trump’s “surrender” plan were true, her nonsensical word salad clearly fails to acknowledge the rather obvious reality that “surrender” usually leads to “peace.”

Unless, of course, the “surrender” is established with Hamas, the terrorist group that appears to take every moment of “peace” to simply restock its weaponry.

Needless to say, Hamas is really able to restock with goons like Obama in charge, who insanely handed over billions in cash to terrorists in the first place.

Is it any wonder that Obama’s progressive darling, Ms. Comrade Kamala, is just “suddenly” the Democrat presidential nominee?

Little wonder that Harris has simultaneously been calling for a “ceasefire” in the Israel-Gaza war, and she’s been doing so pretty much ever since Hamas launched a devastating terrorist attack on the world’s only Jewish state …

… While she demands that Ukraine continue to fight on, just as her globalist handlers have ordered her to do.

And, unless he’s completely misinformed, the Ukrainian leader is likely well aware of the fact that Trump is a highly viable candidate this November, which is precisely why he opted to meet with him the day after he met with Harris.

Either that, or Harris was so frighteningly stupid behind closed doors, as in word salad on steroids, that Zelenskyy rapidly realized that he may well be betting on the wrong horse, regardless of what his globalist UN handlers tell him.

Which may well be why Zelenskyy has approached Trump so shortly after his meeting with Trump.

“I think we have a common view that the war in Ukraine has to be stopped and Putin can’t win,” Zelenskyy declared.

Indeed. More than one American is also quite keen on the war in Ukraine ending, multiple hundreds of billions of dollars later.

“Any deal – the worst deal – would’ve been better than what we have now,” Trump concurred.

Yup. A real shame that Biden’s handlers get too rich from the industrial military complex, long warned about by Dwight D. Eisenhower in his famed 1961 “Farewell Address.”

Needless to say, warmongers are not into peace deals, though Trump certainly is … as evidenced from the Abraham Accords achieved during his administration.

Not to mention far greater global security in general.

“If they made a bad deal, it would’ve been much better. They would’ve given up a little bit and everybody would be living, and every building would be built, and every tower would be aging for another 2,000 years,” Trump added.

An outcome far too logical for globalists to consider.

After all, how else can they carve up the world for themselves if the key players within it are not at constant war with one another?

That’s especially true for inept globalists, like Obama and Pelosi, who can only “get rich” by robbing others.

Even if it takes a world war to do so.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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