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Preening Pelosi Picks A Shameless Fight With Schumer Over Spending Bill

Another day, another battle between a long-term, long-respected Democrat and Empress Nancy Pelosi.

Indeed, looks like top Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer is still facing the ramifications for daring to vote in favor of advancing a GOP-backed bill … especially as the alternative would have been a destructive shutdown.

As widely reported by multiple media outlets, Schumer, along with nine others, voted in favor of advancing a GOP bill, knowing that the alternative would have been a devastating shutdown harmful to all Americans.

And while Schumer made the sanest decision from a moderate point of view, the screeching viewpoint of AOC and her ilk did not see it that way.

Instead, AOC and other likeminded lemmings have been demanding for Schumer to step down, all for daring to vote in favor of the best alternative for the American people.

Fortunately, Schumer has yet to be intimidated by AOC, and he made it rather clear that he will not be stepping down.

As detailed by the New York Post, Schumer made rather pointed remarks in a pre-taped interview with “Meet the Press,” highlighting the reality that he would not be stepping down anytime soon.

“Look, I’m not stepping down. I did it out of pure conviction as to what a leader should do and what the right thing for America and my party was. People disagree … What we got, at the end of the day, is avoiding the horror of a shutdown. There was no leverage point that we could’ve asked for things. They just would’ve said no,” Schumer asserted.

Fair points. Too bad that fair points fail to persuade progressives. On the contrary, fair points appear to antagonize them.

“A shutdown would be 15 or 20 times worse. Under a shutdown, the Executive Branch has sole power to determine what is, quote, ‘essential.’ And they can determine without any court supervision,” Schumer clarified.

Once again, logical points that were more than persuasive to a moderate. To a “progressive,” however, Schumer may as well have committed sacrilege.

In a separate report from the New York Post, Pelosi was sure to snipe at Schumer in a highly public manner, making it clear that she wouldn’t have been bullied into agreeing without concessions.

“I myself don’t give away anything for nothing. I think that’s what happened the other day,” Pelosi jeered.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Pelosi. By all means, continue criticizing from the sidelines.

“We could have, in my view, perhaps gotten [Republicans] to agree to a third way,” Pelosi mused.

Oh, yes. Because Pelosi has been so keen on crafting a “third way.”

“They may not have agreed to it, but at least the public would have seen them not agreeing to it – then [Republicans] would have been shutting the government down,” Pelosi continued.

Wow. So, in other words, Pelosi openly admits that she is primarily motivated by optics. Baldly, openly, shamelessly admits. Impressive.

In a separate statement, Pelosi proclaimed that Trump and his “first buddy” have effectively demanded a “blank check,” further fanning the flames of controversy.

“Donald Trump and Elon Musk have offered Congress a false choice between a government shutdown or a blank check that makes a devastating assault on the well-being of working families across America … [T]his false choice that some are buying instead of fighting is unacceptable,” Pelosi sneered.

Is that so?

Time will tell, but incendiary language surely does not help in the meantime.

Luckily, other saner Democrats are on Schumer’s side.

Including former New York Gov. and state Democratic chair David Paterson.

“I think [Senator] Schumer was right. He brought in the extra votes to get to 60, which the Senate needed to move … the budget. The Republicans were able to hold firm, and they got their two-vote margin in the House. Had [Schumer] not done it, then Democrats would have been blamed for shutting the government down and called irresponsible and more names than that,” Paterson asserted

Thank you, Paterson.

If only more Dems could see that way.

Especially as Schumer was rather assertive when he was accused of being like Joe Biden.

“No, absolutely not. I did this out of conviction … Our caucus is united in fighting Donald Trump every step of the way,” Schumer vowed.


Once again, time remains to tell, but in the meantime, Schumer at least has a taste of how loony the extremes in his own party are.

Author: Jane Jones

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