Gotta love it when the Democrats admit to what a huge percentage of the country is silently thinking – that quite a few of them are simply out of their mind.
In fact, as it would appear, more than one is deliberately inebriated, intoxicated, or otherwise “high on something” when voting on bills … which would explain why so many of them have voted in favor of absolutely insane, pro-transgender militancy initiatives.
Yes, that’s right: Some representatives have actually admitted to their colleagues being under the influence while voting.
In an effective multi-participant interview, Politico obtained rather intriguing insights into the mindsets of many Congressional representatives.
Including the mindsets of representatives who apparently show up “high” to vote on important bills, particularly votes after 11:00 p.m.
And these representatives revealed all kinds of other juicy bits of dialogue over the course of their interview with Politico.
Just consider some of the more hilarious excerpts from the lengthy interview.
“[Oklahoma Senator] Markwayne Mullin recently suggested, in an awkward attempt to defend Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth, that senators are showing up drunk to cast votes on the floor. Members of Congress have been known to enjoy a drink or two, but this accusation was far more explosive. Are lawmakers voting with a clear enough head?” Politico queried.
Democrat Representative Jim Himes made it rather clear that only “a minority” of the entire House votes entirely sober.
That’s nice.
“Every time we do an 11 p.m. vote, a minority of the chamber has a zero blood alcohol content. Now, that’s different than voting drunk. I don’t think I’ve ever seen somebody demonstrably drunk on the floor,” Himes asserted.
Well, that would certainly explain quite a bit. And if “a minority” is not under the influence of something by 11:00 p.m., then “the Squad” and their ilk must be under the influence of something near-constantly.
Hilariously, Democrat Representative Don Beyer argued that it is only Republicans who are “drunk,” while the Democrats are merely “high on something.”
“Well, I’ve seen one Republican who, unfortunately for you, has to go unnamed, show up drunk a number of times. There were one or two Dems I thought might be high on something but not drunk,” Beyer declared.
Oh, wow, being “high on something” is such a better alternative! The fact that Beyer does not even stress what that “something” might be also suggests a wide variety of potentially abused substances amongst Democrat “representatives.”
The Politico interview also focuses on the mental faculties of politicians in general, many of whom have been significantly diminished over the years.
“We’ve seen aging lawmakers deteriorate quite publicly in recent years, but there’s no easy way to force someone out. Witness the saga over the late [Senator] Dianne Feinstein, or former Rep. Kay Granger, who was discovered to be living in an assisted living facility and experiencing dementia-related issues. We asked people what should be done about that — and how many fellow lawmakers are having cognitive issues while in Congress,” Politico noted.
“There’s no question that somewhere between six and a dozen of my colleagues are at a point where they’re … I think they don’t have the faculties to do their job,” Himes admitted.
Another Republican representative was even blunter.
“I have a difficult time sometimes telling between the deterioration of members and a handful who are just not very smart,” an unnamed Republican representative remarked.
Fascinating point. And a statement that easily could be made about the Biden administration.
Between the dementia and apparent drug abuse, little wonder that House has become so deeply polarized.
Which was another key point of discussion in the Politico interview.
“The polarization that exists throughout the country shows up on Capitol Hill, and while bipartisan friendships do exist, there’s also a sharp divide. We asked lawmakers what the worst thing was about the other party and got some answers dripping with disdain,” Politico observed.
Republican Representative Riley Moore admitted that he can’t stand the Democrats’ apparent hatred of the nation itself.
“The worst thing about the Democratic Party is that I think there’s a number of them in the conference who honestly don’t like this country. I think some of them border on hating it, even down to our foundational documents, such as the Constitution,” Moore mused.
Not to mention border on hating the American flag itself … while being more than open to the flag of Palestine flying high.
Republican Representative Eli Crane puts the state of the Democrat party even more bluntly.
“They’re completely disconnected from reality,” Crane briskly remarked.
Without a doubt!
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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