Oops, he did it again!
From his disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan to ineffectual sanctions against Putin, Biden apparently just can’t get anything right in the international sphere.
It’s quite clear, however, that Biden is angling more towards war over peace, in stark contrast to the Trump administration, especially as he’s quite eager to give away multiple billions in American military equipment to Ukraine and Taiwan.
Most recently, the White House engaged in a $1.1B sale of military equipment to Taiwan shortly after Pelosi’s deliberately inflammatory visit to the island.
State Department Spokesperson Vedant Patel insisted, however, that the package had been “in the works for some time.”
“This package was in the works for some time precisely because we expected it would be needed as China increased its pressure on Taiwan. We have and we will continue to be responsible, steady, and resolute and keep our lines of communication open with Beijing, but also continue to support Taiwan in consistent … in ways that are consistent with our policy,” Patel drawled.
Right, because the federal government is always completely honest about all things at all times.
In fact, when Biden veers off script, perhaps those are some of the greatest moments of honesty of all, though the honesty is clearly inadvertent as the president merely forgot which truths he was supposed to keep hidden.
Especially truths regarding nefarious intentions to launch a global war, as detailed on “60 Minutes.”
“60 Minutes” correspondent Scott Pelley pressed Biden about his exact stance on Taiwan, given that he is the supposed Commander in Chief of the armed forces.
“What should Chinese President Xi know about your commitment to Taiwan?” Pelley inquired.
“We agree with what we signed onto a long time ago. And that there’s one China policy, and Taiwan makes their own judgments about their independence. We are not moving – we’re not encouraging their being independent. We’re not – that – that’s their decision,” Biden stammered.
Always great for the president to stammer when detailing what he’d like for the Chinese president to know.
As if Xi didn’t already have a huge advantage in his “investment” in Hunter.
Though Biden’s failure to maintain a stiff upper lip certainly underpins all the reasons why China doesn’t need to fear the present administration.
“But would U.S. forces defend the island?” Pelley pressed.
“Yes, if in fact there was an unprecedented attack,” Biden replied.
Please define “unprecedented” Biden, as your administration appears high on drama while short on substance, especially with the repeated word salad masquerading as an official White House communication.
“So unlike Ukraine, to be clear, sir … U.S. forces, U.S. men and women would defend Taiwan in the event of a Chinese invasion?” Pelley asked explicitly.
“Yes,” Biden boomed.
Well then.
Way to completely blow the cover on the so-called “strategic ambiguity” the United States was supposedly maintaining towards China in the event of a possible invasion, considering that Biden basically just proclaimed he’d hurl the Americans into a war.
No wonder Pelosi was so eager to visit Taiwan. Could be a real investment opportunity for her, just as the “War on Terror” was for too many swamp creatures.
Of course, Biden continues to maintain “strategic ambiguity” when it comes to his son, mainly by insisting the huge deals Hunter struck overseas have absolutely nothing to do with the presently (highly unstable) situation in the world.
“Mr. President, if you run again, Republicans are most likely to go after your son Hunter once again. I wonder what you would like to say about your son and whether any of his troubles have caused conflicts for you or for the United States,” Pelley pointed out.
Of course, Biden remained in total, deliberate denial.
Then again, he doesn’t want to implicate himself as the “big guy” after all, though it’s beyond obvious that’s who he is.
“I love my son, number one. He fought an addiction problem. He overcame it. He wrote about it. And, no, there’s not a single thing that I’ve observed at all that would affect me or the United States relative to my son Hunter,” Biden declared.
Oh, nothing at all, aside from Hunter earning illegitimate millions from China, Russia, Ukraine, and likely other entities yet to be uncovered.
And these millions directly contribute to ongoing, genocidal practices.
As reported by the Intercept in 2019, one of Hunter’s Chinese investment firms provided funds to Face++, which is used in China’s genocide camps.
This app, as detailed by the Intercept, “provides law enforcement with easy, daily access to data detailing the religious activity, blood type, and even the amount of electricity used by ethnic minority Muslims living in the western province of Xinjiang.”
Nice work, Bidens. That investment is really going to make the world a better place … though, for all Americans know, the Bidens may well push Face++ on the United States in the future.
All for the swamp monsters to get even richer.
Author: Ofelia Thornton

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