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Battleground State Makes Big Move With 700,000+ Voter Registrations

While North Carolina has long been a Republican stronghold, chips have emerged thanks to the devious Dems’ duplicitous disinformation campaigns.

Though at least some election officials are somewhat alert, which is exactly why 700,000+ ineligible voters have finally been stripped from the voter registration roles, as recently reported by Democracy Docket,

“North Carolina county election boards removed over 700,000 ineligible voters from the state’s rolls over the past year, election officials announced Thursday …

From the start of 2023 through August 2024, county boards of elections in North Carolina removed more than 747,000 ineligible registration records from the state’s voter rolls, the State Board of Elections said,” Democracy Docket reported.

Well, that’s a start … though plenty of ineligible voters likely remain, especially as North Carolina does not exactly enforce providing proof of citizenship to register.

Though the state election board will have gullible individuals think otherwise.

“The mere presence of ineligible individuals on the rolls does not mean voter fraud will occur. Evidence shows that voting in the name of another is exceedingly rare in North Carolina,” the board sniffed.

Is that so? Well, “exceedingly rare” isn’t good enough.

Completely nonexistent, however, is.

And, regardless of the state’s claims regarding the removal of 700,000+ voters, Republicans remain unconvinced about the security of state elections.

Which is precisely why the Republican National Committee (RNC) and the North Carolina Republican Party have filed two lawsuits within the past month, which focus on the state’s apparent registration of 225,000 voter registration applications without mandatory identification information.

Per the lawsuit, North Carolina’s refusal to require basic voter information violates Section 303 of the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) and provisions of North Carolina law.

“By failing to collect certain statutorily required information prior to registering these applicants to vote, Defendants placed the integrity of the state’s elections into jeopardy,” the lawsuit declared.

Jim Womack, who leads the North Carolina Election Integrity Network, informed WRAL that the state, for whatever reason, does not require individuals to provide proof of citizenship when registering to vote.

“The best way to make sure there’s no noncitizens is to actually require proof of citizenship when you sign up to vote. Arizona does it. But North Carolina is one of the many states that do not,” Womack observed.

Indeed, it is. Rather odd that it’s only the Democrats that seem to fight so much against something as basic as proof of citizenship to vote.

Strange coincidence that 10M+ illegals just happen to pour in during a Democrat presidency as well.

Naturally, the executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections, Karen Brinson Bell, insisted that everything is aboveboard in North Carolina.

“Through this role on the NASED board, I interact routinely with election officials from across the United States as we learn from each other and improve elections for all of our voters … This position gives me a front-row seat during discussions about best practices in elections, which we can then use to improve services to North Carolina’s 7.5 million voters,” Bell declared.

How comforting. Meanwhile, Americans remain 100 rows behind, with rather poor visibility into what’s really going on in the festering swamp.

“We have extremely little evidence that individuals are voting in the names of others in North Carolina elections, and the voter photo ID requirement will help ensure this does not happen,” Bell added.

Is that so?

First off, “extremely little evidence” is totally unacceptable.

Exactly zero individuals should be voting in the names of others, and “extremely little evidence” is hardly the same as zero evidence.

On top of that, North Carolina has absurd “photo ID” requirements to vote anyway, assuming said requirements are enforced at all.

After all, “photo ID” can include a driver’s license, or, even worse, a student ID.

That’s right: A student ID.

Hordes of international students have student IDs, and what’s to stop them from “voting” for Dems?

The only saving grace is that the Dems’ machinations may only go so far, especially considering how the Democrat party has plummeted in influence across the state since 2020.

“Voter roll data for the state showed the Democrat Party lost around 7 percent of its voter base between 2020 and 2024,” Newsweek reported.

Well, perhaps more than one person in North Carolina is waking up.

And hopefully enough will wake up in time to undercut any devious tricks the Dems may have in store for 2024.

Author: Jane Jones

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