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Senator Sinema Blasts Comrade Kamala’s “Terrible, Short Sighted” Ideas

With each passing day, it seems clearer and clearer that Comrade Kamala has no principles whatsoever.

Which makes a top NATO commander’s endorsement of Harris for her so-called “character” all the more laughable.

During a recent interview on Wisconsin Public Radio, Harris flipped her script yet again … This time, she thought it would be a great idea to describe how she’ll abolish the filibuster as president.

Further shutting down debate.

And, rather unsurprisingly, she is doing so over her apparent obsession with abortion.

As if that’s the biggest fear on most Americans’ minds.

“I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe … To actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom and for the ability of every person and every woman to make decisions about their own body,” Harris rambled.

Uh huh.

Hapless Harris sure was singing a different tune all of seven years ago.

Indeed, Senator Tom Cotton tweeted a 2017 letter from Comrade Kamala, noting that Harris insisted that filibuster was crucial in order for the Senate to continue “[serving] as the world’s greatest deliberative body.”

Apparently, she is not so interested in maintaining “the world’s greatest deliberative body” anymore.

All she is interested in is her own self-aggrandizement.

Daily Wire founder Ben Shapiro was certainly less than impressed, noting that Comrade Kamala appears intent on destroying just about every aspect of traditional American politics.

“Kamala Harris wanting to kill the filibuster with regard to Roe basically means she wants to kill the filibuster in regard to everything … The general standard, which is for a big change in American public life, you have to at least overcome a filibuster,” Shapiro remarked.

Well, looks like the communist’s top priority is eliminating any roadblocks to “big changes” in American politics and national stability.

After all, the “Border Czar” has only let in 10M+ illegals at this point, several of which are documented murderers.

Not to mention terrorists …

Frighteningly, even Democrat senators are speaking out against Harris’s asinine proposal, further underscoring how truly nuts she appears to be in her so-called policy.

For instance, Senator John Hickenlooper, of Colorado, who clearly advocates abortion, also makes it clear that he is in favor of a filibuster.

Per Hickenloopoer, the 60-vote consensus is “the surest way to ensure that [abortion rights], which makes it much, much more durable, is to get 60 votes,”

Senator Jack Reed, of Rhode Island, takes an even more cautious approach.

“We should approach it very carefully because what goes around comes around,” Reed intoned, in reference to the Democrats’ 2013 to reduce the threshold for approving both district and circuit court judges.

Of course, the Democrats were promptly enraged when Trump took over and promptly filled numerous judge positions with sensible conservatives.

Reed, much like Hickenlooper, is in favor of abortion, though he is not in favor of destroying American political traditions in order to do so.

“I think it would be good to have a national abortion [law] to protect the reproductive freedom of women, but I don’t think the first procedure would be to change the rules of the Senate,” Reed declared.

No kidding.

After all, what’s to stop Comrade Kamala from gunning for the Supreme Court next?

However, other former Democrat senators, now independents, have been the most vocal about Harris’s absurdities.

According to a report from Newsmax, “the most vocal resistance” to the plan comes from two independents who caucus as Democrats: Senator Krysten Sinema and Senator Joe Manchin.

Both senators, who formerly identified as Democrat before switching to independent, have openly opposed changes to the filibuster since 2022 and are seen as key defenders of the rule within the party.

“Shame on her. She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together … If she gets rid of that, then this would be the House on steroids,” Manchin asserted.

Yup. A House filled with the unsavory likes of Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, otherwise known as shameless terrorist sympathizers.

“I think that basically can destroy our country, and my country is more important to me than any one person or any one person’s ideology. … I think it’s the most horrible thing,” Manchin added.

Shame that “the most horrible thing” is apparently most appealing to radical letists.

On her part, Sinema blasted hapless Harris’s latest nonsense.

“What an absolutely terrible, shortsighted idea,” she tweeted.

Is it any surprise that both Sinema and Manchin “will leave office after their current terms end after the election,” given the present state of affairs?

Frankly, more than one lifelong politician should take a page or two out of both Sinema and Manchin’s books, but that would require having a shred of decency.

Which is in quite short supply in the swamp.

Author: Jane Jones

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