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Nitwit Newsom Sends Black Caucus Into A Rage Over Reparations

Guess it’s a good thing that Gruesome Newsom of California isn’t running for president after all.

Especially given the chaos that just unfolded across the state he’s ostensibly governing … over reparations, no less.

“California slavery reparations bills unraveled over Gavin Newsom amendments,” a Politico headline blared.

Is that so?

Sounds like a negative public relations story for Mr. Newsom, otherwise known as Hollywood’s favorite Democrat.

Newsom, who apparently never met a hair gel he didn’t like, has become well known for conducting his own shadow campaign for months, and he is highly likely to be savoring any opportunity to pursue the presidency.

In the meantime, however, Newsom has had to contend with a nuisance of his own making – satisfying the rather high demands of the reparations task force, an entity that Gruesome Newsom rather ineptly called into existence.

While initially pitched as a force for reparations, Newsom apparently received a crash course in economic and political reality and backtracked quite a bit, insisting that funds were for research, rather than reparations.

Needless to say, the sudden shift did not go over well with the state’s black caucus.

“A California state lawmaker is blaming Gov. Gavin Newsom for the stalling of key slavery reparations bills on the final day of the legislative session. Democratic State Sen. Steven Bradford and other advocates backing the state’s multiyear effort to repair harms from institutional racism say Newsom’s aides pushed to dramatically narrow a proposal for a new state reparations agency. The changes mean the state would instead simply authorize the further study of the issue,” Politico detailed.

In other words, the state would not arbitrarily be handing out cash, so rabid activists threw a fit.

Per Politico, draft amendments proposed sending $6M to California State University to study how to implement recommendations from the state’s task force on reparations, including how to confirm the status of a person seeking reparations.

Tellingly, the draft also apparently removes the major objective of the bill in the first place: the creation of a new Freedmen Affairs Agency.

Given that the agency was apparently designed to deliver handouts, it seems that the chaos erupted over the reality that more research needed to precede cash awards.

Much to the anger of state senators, such as the aforementioned Bradford.

“We’re at the finish line … And I think we as the Black Caucus owe it to the descendants of chattel slavery, we owe it to black Californians and Black Americans. to move this legislation forward and get it to the governor’s desk,” Bradford raged.

The senator’s sentiments were echoed by others, as evidenced in a statement from the black caucus.

“The caucus was unable to participate in the legislative process collectively and only recently became aware of the concerns and issues with the bill,” the black caucus declared.

How surprising! Newsom declares his “inclusive” intentions publicly … only to conduct himself a tad differently behind closed doors.

Indeed, quite a few were dispirited by Newsom’s decision.

According to a report from the Daily Mail, the state capitol descended into full blown chaos.

“Protests have erupted at the California state capitol after two stalled reparations proposals for black residents were seemingly killed ….

The development came during the final day of the legislative session in Sacramento Saturday, following hours of fierce lobbying. Some two dozen protesters were seen inside and outside the building that day, airing shouts for the bills to move forward and chants for reparations ‘now,’” the outlet reported.

Way to go, Governor Newsom.

Frighteningly, comrade Kamala hails from the same “golden state” as Newsom.

Thanks for the preview of what a Harris-led nation would be like …

Author: Jane Jones

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