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Bill Gates Issues Ominous Threat To Non-Billionaires

“Let them eat cake” takes on a whole new meaning in the globalist 21st century.

Just consider Bill Gates’s recent, most disturbing commentary towards all the “little people” he loves to attempt to control, first through technology, then through globalist governments.

“If you have less money than Elon, you should probably watch out,” Gates intoned.

While Gates was allegedly talking about cryptocurrency, he sure phrased his warning in a rather strange way.

Especially as Gates himself is hardly short on funds.

Is he trying to suggest an eventual billionaires’ takeover of the entire planet, thereby controlling everything within it, including the global food supply?

Gates’s commentary is additionally frightening when considering yet another report that’s come out this year regarding the movement against meat amongst global elites.

That is, the movement against “the little people” eating meat.

Recently, the Committee to Unleash Prosperity released a frightening report: “Them vs. U.S.: The Two Americas and How the Nation’s Elite Is Out of Touch with Average Americans.” This report illustrates, in excruciating detail, how the viewpoints of the elites are “wildly out of touch with the American people.”

First off, who are these elites?

“The Elites are defined as those having a postgraduate degree, a household income of more than $150,000 annually, and living in a zip code with more than 10,000 people per square mile. Approximately 1% of the total U.S. population meets these criteria …

The study also examined a sub-sample of elites, adults who attended Ivy League schools or other elite private schools, including Northwestern, Duke, Stanford, and the University of Chicago. Roughly half of those we classify as ‘elites’ attended one of these schools. For the purpose of this study, we label those who attended one of these schools as ‘Ivy League Graduates,” the report noted.

What a surprise!

That said, apparently 47 percent of these so-called elites believe that the United States provides “too much individual freedom” to its citizens.

That would explain the lockdowns during the COVID pandemic.

Lockdowns that the elites ignored.

The same elites that fly private jets while spouting off about the need for everyone else to buy EVs, which ironically rely upon tearing up the earth for lithium reserves.

Unsurprisingly, the most “anti-freedom” elites hail from Ivy League schools.

Which are now notorious for supporting anti-American Hamas terrorists.

“When Americans are asked if there is too much or too little freedom, Elites are three times more likely to say that there is too much individual freedom in America than all Americans. Almost six out of ten of the graduates from Elite colleges think there is too much freedom,” the report added.

While that’s bad enough, what’s the most disturbing is the fact that these highly educated elites are also in the most favor of strict rationing of meat.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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