Biden Reveals Breathtaking Lack Of Awareness

The White House seriously needs to tune up its ears to the American public if they think they will reach people at all anymore with their repeated indifference to the real issues at stake.

Starting with the fact that the president fixated on supposedly uniting the nation, at least as promised on the campaign trail, apparently isn’t even aware of the fact that the country is facing massive shortages.

Hilariously, Biden actually admitted that he was clueless about baby formula shortages for at least two months, yet he certainly didn’t forget to bray about electric cars nonstop over the past several months.

“I became aware of this problem sometime in early April, about how intense it was. We did everything in our power from that point on,” Biden said defensively, as if such a declaration would change the reality of the fact that the White House was more concerned with pushing electric cars than it was pushing for baby formula production.

Unless, of course, the shortages of baby formula are also intentional to reduce population sizes. Given how maniacal protests are becoming over the upcoming Supreme Court decision, it wouldn’t be surprising.

Still, by Biden acknowledging he is not even “aware” of the problem, it is clear that what the Americans want and need does not matter at all to a government riding high off a of a likely stolen, or at minimum adulterated, election.

In other words, it appears the federal government is getting a little too comfortable being a little too much like North Korea, given that the fat cats in “public service” clearly don’t have a clue, much less actual experience, with the issues seriously plaguing Americans at this point in time.

Which is appropriate, given the fact that the Biden administration is clearly kowtowing to TikTok, further enriching China, and, of course, further enriching fat cats in the Chinese, Russian, and North Korean governments.

But the White House will insist that it is fighting on the side of freedom.

Which is even more hilarious considering the White House’s latest obsession with reinstituting masks.

Yes, that’s right: In a deeply unpopular move, the Department of Justice is now taking aim at airlines who have eliminated mask mandates, following the same science that UK scientists have.

For some reason, however, Biden is intent on mimicking Xi in China more than Boris in the UK, which would explain the latest joke of an investigation the DOJ has opened.

“None of the district court’s quarrels with the CDC order comes close to showing that the CDC has acted outside the ‘zone of reasonableness.’ The findings in the CDC order likewise provide ample support for the agency’s determination that there was good cause to make the order effective without delay,” the DOJ whined, in a clear effort to bring back mandatory masks.

Good luck with that.

“Worst” case scenario, Democrats further destroy themselves in midterms if mandates come back.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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