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Woke Governor Gives Away $500 Per Week Per Migrant For “Meals”

If you thought woke New York City Mayor Eric Adams’ $1,000+ cash giveaway to migrants on a monthly basis was bad, get ready to hear something even worse.

Frankly, it’s almost as if the rather militant “sanctuary”-obsessed Dems want to outdo each other.

Apparently, the entire state of Massachusetts is giving away nearly $500 per week per migrant, totaling $1,920 monthly in gourmet cuisine fare.

That means a so-called illegal “couple” may score nearly $1,000 per week, or almost $4,000 monthly, to receive gourmet cuisine meals, delivered directly to them.

Per a report from WBZ News, Massachusetts is the only state in the nation that has an official Right to Shelter law on the books.

That effectively means no one can be homeless, and the state must provide refrigeration and basic cooking facilities to all individuals.

Of course, the hordes of migrants are not necessarily housed in facilities equipped with such conveniences, so they apparently get to score “free” gourmet food instead.

Frankly, Massachusetts is going a tad beyond “sanctuary,” as the gourmet freebies for illegals are bordering on straight up “luxury.”

Needless to say, Republican State Senator Peter Durant is aghast.

“This is something that we have been asking the administration for information on, for the better part of a year and have been stonewalled on the information. So, I think for you to get it, I think it’s really important,” Durant declared.

Well, Durant found out the information he was looking for, broken down dollar by stunning dollar.

In total, Massachusetts is apparently feeding each migrant to the tune of $16 for breakfast, $17 for lunch, and $31 for dinner.

Exactly what are the illegals consuming?!

Apparently, gourmet meals from Spinelli’s, which has shamelessly collaborated with the state government to all but encourage a tidal wave of illegal migration.

“As an approved state vendor, Spinelli’s was contacted at the onset of the crisis. We are not the exclusive meal vendor and do not have a guaranteed contract, or financial agreement, beyond this initial emergency period. We are currently in the bid process for an enduring contract and are looking forward to continue to aid the State and the Executive Office of Housing and Livable Communities to reach their goals,” a spokesperson declared.

Well, that’s nice to know Spinelli’s is not the “exclusive” contractor for illegals.

Exactly how many other de facto haute cuisine companies are providing “free” meals for migrants, to the tune of nearly $500 per migrant per week?

Frankly, it’s rather disturbing that migrants will never know the real cost of CPI inflation – while Americans see their savings dwindling after each trip to the grocery store, illegals are relaxing with meals literally brought to them.

Three times daily.

Even worse, the catered meals are just the tip of the iceberg, per Durant.

The state senator notes that the real costs are embedded in “the MassHealth cost and the educational cost,” services steadily taken away from Americans in favor of illegals guaranteed to vote “blue.”

“That’s the concern is the money has to come from somewhere and so there’s only really two options. You either raise taxes or you cut services. So, this all of this kind of flows downhill right straight to the taxpayers,” Durant asserted.

Indeed, it does. Deeply, deeply troubling.

What’s even more troubling is the state government is all but pressuring residents to take unvetted, likely “unvaccinated” migrants into their private homes.

“Most importantly, if you have an extra room or suite in your home, please consider hosting a family. Housing and shelter is our most pressing need and become a sponsor family,” Lieutenant Governor Kim Driscoll trilled.

Hey, Driscoll – Perhaps there wouldn’t be such a “pressing need” if illegals didn’t receive nearly $2,000 per month in luxury catered cuisine.

Author: Ofelia Thornton

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