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Universities Coddle “Elite” Students’ Epic Tantrums

In some of the most deeply satisfying rulings of 2023, the Supreme Court smacked down the overtly racist practice of affirmative action, alongside President Biden’s rather ghastly presidential overreach with regards to the student debt crisis.

First, hardworking students triumphed as the Supreme Court ruled that affirmative action in college admissions is unconstitutional, and clearly a form of racial discrimination.

Second, indebted snowflakes hoping to coast of the taxpaying backs of the “Boomers” they so deride were smacked down as the Supreme Court ruled that wannabe Emperor Biden cannot, in fact, arbitrarily rob the purse to pay off irresponsible borrowers’ debts.

Indeed, one of Biden’s most shameless vote buying schemes to date revolves around his unilateral declaration that the government would forgive well over $400B in student debt.

Literally blanket forgiveness, regardless of the student’s individual circumstances.

Including circumstances in which students were actually responsible and paid off their debts shortly after college ended, as well as students that never took on six-figure debts in the first place, especially for a Bachelor’s Degree in XYZ Gender Studies.

Alas, many students are deeply indebted over utterly useless degrees, which primarily serve as motivation for many to become Soros-funded professional protestors.

Little wonder that the Supreme Court destroyed the White House’s dastardly attempt to introduce “a novel and fundamentally different loan forgiveness program” in its rather explicit decision-making rationale.

This phrase, found in the official decision, is a very nice way of saying that the president hijacking hardworking Americans’ finances to pay off largely irresponsible behavior, exhibited by students and universities alike, is not in keeping with the separation of powers enshrined by the Founding Fathers.

In other words, the president doesn’t control the power of the purse; Congress does. However, public schools have long since destroyed civics classes for a reason, and that reason is keeping younger generations ignorant to how the government really works.

Which is precisely why allegedly “elite” students at “elite” universities are having a total meltdown over the fact that the Supreme Court failed to approve the authoritarian aims of Biden in its latest ruling.

These would be the same students that think Trump is a dictator while Biden is benign, when in fact the latter has signed vastly more executive orders and taken vastly more actions against Americans and their basic national security interests.

However, these students have been formally trained to be lemmings fully directed and brainwashed by the media, which is exactly why they apparently cannot cope with the thought of having to be responsible for their own financial decisions.

And this lemming behavior is astonishingly coddled, even promoted, even in law school.

Just consider the absurd letter that Boston University Law School sent out to its students.

Needless to say, the letter did everything in its power to diminish the power of and respect for the Supreme Court.

“[The assenting judges] went so far as to say that the race-based admission system uses race as a negative and operates it as a stereotype … They may couch their opinion in legal jargon, but we all know what this opinion aims to do: advocate for a ‘colorblind’ admission process,” the letter declared.

Say what? Exactly what is wrong with a “colorblind” admission process based on merit?

Oh, right – Dems say that basing college admission or job acceptance on merit is apparently “racist.” A viewpoint that says a lot about their views towards other races.

The letter then sails from the sublime to the ridiculous when the allegedly elite university offers “wellness” resources to students, as if they’re at Club Med instead of a supposedly serious law school.

“However, as many of our students know and Justice Sotomayor says in her dissent, ‘ignoring race will not equalize a society that is racially unequal … As a reminder, BU also offers a number of wellness resources that are willing and able to help students navigate these times,” the letter trilled.

Well then, good to know students are enjoying a host of “wellness resources” during “these times” in which hardworking Americans, many of whom didn’t even go to college due to the costs, continue to bear the brunt of elitists’ self-inflicted victimhood.

Heaven forbid they actually engage in real “wellness” … as in learning to look outside themselves and their increasingly microscopic, utterly un-diverse worldview.

Little wonder that this university bears the dubious distinction of granting an Economics degree to the economically illiterate AOC.

Author: Jane Jones

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